No Web Chat On Your Website? You’re Missing Out On Better Conversion Rates!

“Chatting, by definition, is meaningless, trivial talk – but web ‘chatting’ is anything but; it is starting to transform digital customer experiences. And it works.” – Forrester

Nowadays, many of us choose to send a message through a web chat on a website instead of picking up the phone or writing an email to a business. In fact, 90% of us prefer to make a web chat enquiry, in comparison to the 10% who still prefer filling out a contact form. 

You may be thinking, isn’t web chat robotic or impersonal even?

In today’s time-poor world, we want answers, and we want answers fast. Web chat is an ideal communication tool to have on your website to facilitate these interactions.  

In addition to saving time, it cuts straight to the question and answer – no unnecessary small talk with a support person. Combined with high-quality support, you’ll be on your way to nurturing customers towards a successful conversion!

What is a web chat?

Web chat enables visitors to a company’s website to quickly communicate with the support team via online messaging. It is essentially a two-way messaging platform that enables you to talk to customers directly, and automated responses can be set up to keep the conversation going. 

How LANA’s web chat gets added to your website 

At LANA, we add a piece of script to your website that gets placed in the footer of the webpage. Alternatively, if you use WordPress, it can be installed as a WordPress plugin. 



After you have clicked on the blue messaging icon, a chat window will appear. This is where customers can leave a message.

Why should I add web chat to my website?

Research shows that visitors of a website are 40% more likely to convert after using a web chat, compared to those who don’t use chat. What this means is that if your website doesn’t have a web chat, you are lowering your chances of making conversions. 

Think about this – where are your customers getting help? Is the help they are receiving prompt and useful? Check out these stats below that link web chat to higher conversion rates: 

  • 40% of site visitors who use web chat are more likely to convert (for example, make a purchase), compared to the 22% of visitors who don’t chat. 
  • Across industries, the standard landing page conversion rate is approximately 2.35%.
  • Implementing a web chat can lead to an 8 to 20% increase in conversion rates.

Source: Wordstream, Invesp.    

What are the other benefits of web chat?

Conversation builds relationships 

Did you know that 79% of us find that “quick answers” from web chat can have an impact on our buying decisions? Web chat is the perfect tool to provide customers with fast, high-quality answers. It allows a two-way conversation with the customer, forming a more personal and direct form of communication.

Ultimately, this fosters deeper customer relationships, which in turn develops loyalty and increases conversion rates!   

Prompt service

With the help of web chat, you are nurturing leads through the customer journey and eventually, this can turn site visitors into customers. Web chat enables you to get back to customers quickly, resulting in faster help times and happier customers.  

More value

If you email or call a business, you will more than likely receive a standard response or be put on hold for only knows how long. Doesn’t this get old? 

You can now automate helpful web chat responses to someone who starts a conversation. At this stage, prepare to offer more value to a lead by beginning the nurturing process. Here are examples of nurturing web chat responses:

  • Offering calendar to book a time for a consultation or call 
  • A quick guide on the industry or relevant product/service  
  • Portfolio of work 
  • Testimonials and reviews 

These responses offer value because you are leading the conversation by providing more information, so they can make an informed choice. 

LANA: Your Web chat solution and much more 

Can you see how a web chat can transform a customer’s experience on your website? Web chat is only one feature of LANA. If you’re interested in what a web chat can do for your business, please check out LANA’s website and book a 15-minute demo with our team!

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